April 11, 12, and 13, 2011
Athens, Georgia Sponsored by:
Georgia Environmental Protection Division
U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Water Resources Institute
The University of Georgia, Water Resources Faculty Editor:
G. Denise Carroll,
Georgia Southern University,
Statesboro, Georgia USA Proceedings of the 2011 Georgia Water Resources Conference
April 11-13, 2011, ISBN: 0-9794100-2-9 Printed in the United States of America. This book was published by Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602-2152. The views and statements advanced in this publication are solely those of the authors and do not represent official views or policies of The University of Georgia, the U.S. Geological Survey, the Georgia Water Research Institute as authorized by the Water Research Institutes Authorization Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-307) or the other conference sponsors.
Moderator: Stacey Berahzer, Environmental Finance Center
- The Case for a More Sustainable Business Model for Water Utilities In the Southeast
Mary Wyatt Tiger, Shadi Eskaf, and Stacey Isaac Berahzer, University of North Carolina – Environmental Finance Center, Chapel Hill, NC
- The Case for a More Sustainable Business Model for Water Utilities In the Southeast
Moderator: Kristen Averyt, Union of Concerned Scientists – Climate & Energy Program
Presentation: Georgia’s Energy-water Nexus: Avoiding Future Crises and Collisions
Panelists:- Sara Barczak, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, High Risk Program
- April Ingle, Georgia River Network
- David Yates , National Center for Atmospheric Research
Moderator: Rob McDowell, Institute of Government, UGA
- Dr. Rob McDowell, Environmental Policy Program Director, Carl Vinson Institute of Government
- Dr. Warren Brown, Applied Demography Program Director, Carl Vinson Institute of Government
- Dr. Chuck Hopkinson, Georgia Sea Grant Program Director
- Dr. Steve Olson, Georgia State University Center for Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
Moderator: Todd Rasmussen, UGA
- Robert Teskey, UGA Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
David Dallmeyer, UGA Geology Department
J. Marshall Shepherd, UGA Geography Department
Moderator: Adam Sowatzka, Shareholder, Baker Doneslon
Presentation: Stormwater Enforcement and Litigation Trends
Moderator: Laurie Hawks, Brown and Caldwell, Atlanta Georgia
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Dinku Endale, USDA-ARS
Presentations:- Climate and Hydrologic Change Assessment for Georgia, F. Zhang, and A. Georgakakos, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Modeling Climate Change and Ecosystem Response-developing Tools to Guide Resource Management in the Southeastern United States, W. Brian Hughes, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center, Melinda S. Dalton, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center, and Sonya A. Jones, Department of the Interior Southeast Climate Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Southeast Area
- ACF River Basin: Climate and Demand Change Impacts and Mitigation Measures, Huaming Yao, and Aris Georgakakos, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Soil Moisture and Peanut Crop Yield Correlation Study in Georgia with Two Contrasting Precipitation Years, Christopher Strother and Sudhanshu Panda, Gainesville State College
Moderator: J. Marshall Shepherd, UGA
Presentation: Georgia’s Energy-water Nexus: Avoiding Future Crises and Collisions
Presentations:- The Role of Heat and Drought During Occasional Blooms of Picoplankton and Nanoplankton in a Large Drinking Water Reservoir (Allatoona Lake, Georgia), Joseph M. Dirnberger, Department of Biology and Physics, Kennesaw State University
- Water Quantity and Quality from a Small Georgia Pasture During 1998-2009: Impact of Drought, Dinku M. Endale1, Dwight S. Fisher1, Michael B. Jenkins1, Harry S. Schomberg1, and Caroline L. Stevens2, 1USDA-ARS, Nat. Res. Cons. Center; 2US EPA, Ecosystem Research Division, National Exposure Research Laboratory
- Georgia Streamflows Associated With The El Niño-southern Oscillation, Jeff C. Dobur, Southeast River Forecast Centeranel Discussion
Moderator: Philip Roberts, Georgia Institute of Technology
Presentations:- Hydrologic Impacts of Energy Production, Todd C. Rasmussen,, Hydrology & Water Resources, University of Georgia
- Diffusers for Heated Water Disposal from Power Plants, Philip J. W. Roberts, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Energy and Water Conservation: Uncovering Hidden Opportunities, Bruce Adams, Water Management, Eaton Corporation’s Energy Solutions Group
- An Analysis of the Impact of Drought Conditions on Gross Sales in the Lake Hartwell Region, Jeffery Allen, Robert Carey, Lori Dickes, Ellen Saltzman, Corey Allen and Michael Mikota, Clemson University
Moderator: Jeffrey Mullen, UGA
Presentations:- Climate Change Impacts on Georgia Agriculture and Irrigation Demand, Christian Braneon, and Aris Georgakakos, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Valuing Weather Information in Irrigated Agriculture, Jeffrey D. Mullen1, Mohammed Al Hassan2 and Gerrit Hoogenboom3, 1,2Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Georgia; 3Washington State University
- How Do Precipitation and Irrigated Ratio Interactively Impact Corn Yield?, Ruohong Cai1, John Bergstrom2 Jeffrey Mullen2, Don Shurley2, and Michel Wetzstein2, 1,2Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics, University of Georgia
Moderator: Andrew Knaak, USGS
Presentation:- USGS Monitoring Efforts and Lessons Learned from the Historic 2009 Georgia Floods, Brian E. McCallum, and Anthony J. Gotvald, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Urban Basins of Georgia, Anthony J. Gotvald, and Andrew E. Knaak, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- Hydraulic Modeling and Flood-inundation Mapping in Dougherty, Fulton, Cobb, and Gwinnett Counties, Georgia, Jonathan W. Musser, Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- Response to September 21, 2009 Flood Event Gwinnett County Stormwater Management, Sam Fleming2 and Jonathan Semerjian1, 1Gwinnett County Department of Public Utilities, Storm Water Management; 2Dewberry
Moderator: Todd Hamill , National Weather Service’s Southeast River Forecast Center
- Extreme Drought to Extreme Floods: Summary of Hydrologic Conditions in Georgia, 2009, Andrew E. Knaak, Timothy K. Pojunas, and Michael F. Peck, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- September 2009 Atlanta Flood Update, John Feldt, National Weather Service’s Southeast River Forecast Center3.Invited Talk (AMS): Extreme Urban Flooding in the United States: an Urban Hydrometeorological Perspective, J. Marshall Shepherd, University of Georgia
- Atlanta Flood, Todd Hammill, National Weather Service’s Southeast River
Moderator: Kathleen Rugel, J.W. Jones Ecological Research Center
Presentations:- Identifying Groundwater/stream Interaction in the Lower Flint River Basin Using Multiple Stream Parameters and Remote Sensing Data Sets, Kathleen Rugel1,2, Stephen W. Golladay2, C. Rhett Jackson3, 1,2Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia; 2Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center; 3UGA
- Relation of Aquifer Confinement and Long-term Groundwater-level Decline in the Floridan Aquifer System, Lester J. Williams1, Alyssa D. Dausman,2 and Jason C. Bellino,2 1U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center; 2U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Water Science Center
- Using the USGS Dougherty Plain Groundwater Model for Ensemble Analysis, Menghong Wen, Hailian Liang and Wei Zeng,. GA EPD – GA DNR
- An Update on the Thickness and Extent of the Surficial Aquifer System and its Potential Use as an Alternative Water Source in Coastal Georgia, Harold E. Gill1, Lester J. Williams,2 and Jason C. Bellino3, 1U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center; 2U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Water Science Center
Moderator: John Seaman, Savannah River Ecology Lab
Presentations:- Vectors for Metal Transport in the Tim Branch/Steed Pond Watershed on the Savannah River Site, Shea Buettner1, Aaron Thompson1, John Seaman2 Julian Singer2 Seth Brown2 and Jeff Harris2, 1University of Georgia; 2University of Georgia – SREL
- Laboratory and Modeling Efforts to Refine the Use of in Situ Chemical Oxidation for Addressing Residual VOC Plumes on the Savannah River Site, H. Chang, J.C. Seaman, T. Murphy, S. Brown, G. L. Mills, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
- In-situ Chemical Oxidation to Address Residual VOC Plumes on the Savannah River Site, B. Kramer2, J.C. Seaman1, J. Kupar2, M. Malin2, and P.C. Knapp2, 1University of Georgia – SREL; 2Savannah River Nuclear Solutions- Area Completion Projects
- Effects of Copper on Amphibians Inhabiting a Constructed Wetland on the Savannah River Site, Stacey L. Lance, R. Wesley Flynn, Matthew R. Erickson, Tracey D. Tuberville, and David E. Scott, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
Moderator: John Clarke, USGS Georgia Water Science Center
Presentations:- Analysis of Complex Pumping Interactions During an Aquifer Test Conducted at a Well Field in the Coastal Plain near Augusta, Georgia, October 2009, Gerard J. Gonthier, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- Addressing the Mobilization of Trace Metals in Anaerobic Aquifers, Mark S. Pearce, and Mike Waldron, Cardno Entrix
- Summary of Hydrologic Testing of the Floridan Aquifer System at Fort Stewart, Coastal Georgia, 2009-2010, Gerard J. Gonthier, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
Moderator: Mario Giraldo, Kennesaw State University
Presentations:- Review of a Feasibility Study of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Utilizing the Flint River Discharges, Lloyd Horvath and John A. Mayhut, Cardno, Entrix
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Analysis of Soil Moisture Within Different Landuses in South Georgia, Mario A. Giraldo1 Ph.D., And Sara Gale2, 1Department of Geography and Anthropology, Kennesaw State University; 2Department of Transportation, Office of Environmental Services
- Geophysical Methods to Map Brackish and Saline Water in Aquifers, John R. Jansen, Cardno Entrix
Moderator: Wei Zeng, GA EPA
Presentation:- Hedonic Analysis of Drought Conditions on Property on Lake Keowee, Lori Dickes, Rob Carey, Ellen Saltzman, and Jeff Allen, Strom Thurmond Institute of Government and Public Affairs, Clemson University
- Surface Water Availability Resource Assessment in Georgia State Water Plan Efforts – Lessons Learned, Wei Zeng, GA EPD
- Tapping the Tennessee River at Georgia’s Northwest Corner: a Solution to Georgia’s Water Supply Crisis, Brad Carver, and Dargan “Scott” Cole, Sr., Hall Booth Smith & Slover, PC
- Interbasin Transfers of Water, Dargan “Scott” Cole, Sr., and William Bradley Carver, Hall Booth Smith & Slover, P.C.
Moderator: John Clarke, USGS Georgia Water Science Center
Presentation:- Quest for Water in Coastal Georgia-assessment of Alternative Water Sources at Hunter Army Airfield, Chatham County, Georgia, John S. Clarke, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- Groundwater Modeling to Evaluate Interaquifer Leakage in the Floridan Aquifer System near Hunter Army Airfield and Fort Stewart, Georgia, Gregory S. Cherry, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- Revised Hydrogeologic Framework for the Floridan Aquifer System in the Northern Coastal Areas of Georgia and Parts of South Carolina, Harold E. Gill and Lester J. Williams, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- Saline Aquifer Mapping Project in the Southeastern United States, Rick M. Spechler1 and Lester J. Williams2, 1U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Water Science Center; 2U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
Moderator: Paul Leonard, Cardno Entrix
Presentations:- Preliminary Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Differences in Modern and Archaic Fish Populations Off Georgia’s Coast, Kelly Jonske1, Amanda Hurst1, G.D. Carroll2, Bruce Saul1, Jason Moak3, Chuck Lambert1, and Betsy Reitz4, 1Augusta State University, 2Georgia Southern University, 3Southeastern Natural Sciences Academy, 4University of Georgia
- Assessment of Endocrine Disruption in Fish and Estrogenic Potency of Waters in Georgia, Kristen A. Kellock, and Robert B. Bringolf, University of Georgia
- A Conceptual Framework and Benefit Transfer for Valuation of Select Ecosystem Goods and Services Provided by the Wetlands of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, D. A. Patton1, J. Bergstrom1, A. Covich2, and R. Moore3, 1Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics; 2Odum School of Ecology; 3Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia
- Challenging the Traditional Values of Our River: a Case for Water Trails, Katherine Edmonds, Georgia River Network
Moderator: Robert Bahn, UGA
Presentations:- A Comparison of Gulf Coastal Plain Isolated Wetlands: Water Quality and Larval Mosquito Populations in Agricultural and Reference Sites, Stephen Golladay1, Ellen Vedas2, Mark Blackmore2, and Nathalie Smith1, 1J.W. Jones Research Center; 2Valdosta State, Biology
- Emerging Trends in Environmental Flow Science, Paul M. Leonard, Cardno Entrix
- Woody Debris as a Resource for Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in Stream and River Habitats of the Southeastern United States: a Review, Daniel B. Pitt and Darold P. Batzer, Department of Entomology, University of Georgia
- Coleoptera Indicator Species in Wet vs. Dry Climate Regimes in Three Southwestern Georgia Wetland Types, Nathalie D. Smith, and Stephen W. Golladay, J.W. Jones Ecological Research Center
Moderator: William Bailey, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Presentations:
- Summary of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, William Bailey, US Army Corps of Engineers
- Summary of Public and Agency Comments Received,, William Bailey, US Army Corps of Engineers
- Path Ahead for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project,, William Bailey, US Army Corps of Engineers
- The Panama Canal Expansion-Are You Ready?, Richard Morales, Engineering Department, LB Foster Piling
Moderator: Steven McKay, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Presentations:- Constructing a Conceptual Model Linking Drivers and Ecosystem Services in Piedmont Streams, S.K. McKay1, B.A. Pruitt1, C.J. Anderson2, J. Curran3, A.D. Arco Ochoa4, M.C. Freeman5, B. Rashleigh6, and E.D. Trawick7, 1U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center; 2Auburn University; 3 Univ of Virginia; 4Univ of Coimbra; 5Pautuxent Wildlife Center, USGS; 6U.S. EPA; 7U.S. ACE
- A Stream Restoration Plan for the City of Davenport, E.A. Matthiesen1, D.F. Spector1, and B. Stineman2, 1Wenck Associates, Inc., 2City of Davenport, Iowa
- A “Watershed Approach” to TMDL Development, J.M. Bischoff, and D.F. Spector, Wenck Associates, Inc.
- Legacy Disturbances and Restoration Potential of Coastal Plain Streams, Michael H. Paller2, Dean E. Fletcher1, Garrett K. Stillings1, and Christopher D. Barton3, 1Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia; 2Savannah River National Laboratory; 3Department of Forestry, University of Kentucky
Moderator: Ed Matthiesen, Wenck Associates
Presentation:- When Rivers Become Reservoirs of Antibiotic Resistance: Industrial Effluents and Gene Nurseries, J Vaun Mcarthur1, R. Cary Tuckfield1, Angela H. Lindell1, and Craig Baker-Austin2, 1University of Georgia-SREL; 2CEFAS, Weymouth
- Biogeochemical Processes in a Treatment Wetland Mitigating Metal Discharge into a Savannah River Stream Tributary, G.l. Mills1, E.A. Burgess1, T. Murphy1, M. Harmon2, H. Mcleod1, and E. Nelson3, 1Savannah River Ecology Laboratory; 2Department of Biology and Geology, U. South Carolina-Aiken, 3Savannah River National Laboratory, Savannah River Site
- Shifts in the Amphibian Community over 30 Years at an Isolated Wetland: Has Climate Change Altered Wetland Hydrology?, David E. Scott1, and Brian S. Metts1, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
- Evaluating Long Term Water Use Efficiency at the Field Scale for Phytoremediation Management, Julian Singer1, John Seaman1, Susan Riha2, Karin Rebel3, and Sunnie Aburime4, 1UGA – SREL, Aiken, SC; 2Cornell University; 3Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands; 4Alpha Consortium Limited, Lagos, Nigeria
Moderator: Steven McKay, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Presentation:- Uncertainty Analysis of Unimpaired Flow and Monthly 7Q10, Feng Jiang, Hailian Liang, and Wei Zeng, GA DNR, EPD
- An Analytical Approach for Evaluating the Influence of Uncertainty in Unimpaired Flow Development, Yi Zhang1 and Owen Mckeon2, 1GA DNR, EPD; 2Arcadis U.S., Inc.
- Environmental Flow and Ecological Impacts of Alternative Regulation Scenarios for the ACF River Basin, Martin Kistenmacher, and Aris Georgakakos, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Evaluating Effects of Pump-Storage Water Withdrawals Using an Individual-Based Metapopulation Model of a Benthic Fish Species, Rachel A. Katz1 and S. Kyle Mckay2, 1School of Ecology, University of Georgia; 2U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Moderator: Merryl Alber, UGA
Presentations:- Numeric Nutrient Criteria in Florida – How it Happened and What it Means for Georgia, Daniel G. Hammond, Douglas J. Durbin, Kristan N. M. Robbins, and Doug Macnair, Cardno-Entrix 2.Recommended Indicators of Estuarine Water Quality For Georgia, Joan E. Sheldon and Merryl Alber, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia
- Water Quality Status of Georgia Estuaries and Coastal Waters Using Recommended Indicators, Merryl Alber and Joan E. Sheldon, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia
- Nitrogen Dynamics in a Piedmont Onsite Wastewater Treatment System, J. Kenneth Bradshaw and David E. Radcliffe, Crop and Soil Sciences Department, University of Georgia
Moderator: David Radcliffe, UGA
Presentations:- Making Water Quality Markets Work – Little River Nutrient Bank Case Study, Steven Glickauf, And Kelly Siragusa, Wildlands Engineering, Inc.
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Dissolved P Stream Concentrations for Wet and Dry Years, D. H. Franklin1, J.L. Steiner2, S.E. Duke3, D. N. Moriasi2, and P. J. Starks2, 1Natural Resource Conservation Center, USDA ARS; 2Grazinglands Research Laboratory, USDA ARS; 3USDA ARS, Southern Plains Area
- A Nitrogen Model for Onsite Wastewater Systems, David E. Radcliffe and J. Kenneth Bradshaw, Crop and Soil Sciences Department, University of Georgia
- How to Re-Balance the Nitrogen Metabolism of the Atlanta-Chattahoochee System?, R. Villarroel Walker, and M.B. Beck, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia
Moderator: Duncan Hughes, North Georgia Technical College
Presentations:- Designing for Water Quality and Wildlife Hazards at Airports, D. J. Kiker and H.W. Marotti, WK Dickson and Company, Inc.
- Legacy Disturbances and Restoration Potential of Coastal Plain Streams, Dean E. Fletcher1, Garrett K. Stillings2, Michael H. Paller3, and Christopher D. Barton4, 1,2Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, UGA; 3Savannah River National Laboratory, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions; 4Department of Forestry, University of Kentucky
- A Strategy for Attaining Bacterial Water Quality Standards, Duncan Hughes, North Georgia Technical College
Moderator: Marsha Black, UGA
Presentations:- Acute Pollution in a Context of Chronic Stress: Assessing a Toxic Chemical Spill to Trail Creek, an Urban Stream in the Oconee River Basin, Athens, Georgia, Ben Emanuel, Oconee River Project Director, Altamaha Riverkeeper, Inc.
- Acute Toxicity in an Urban Creek Receiving Runoff from an Industrial Fire, M. C. Black, E. R. Roberts, S. L. Fuller, K. Kaur, A. R. Martin, M. Y. Chan, M. K. Crews, S. A. Doydora, C. R. Hill, V. E. Leviton, R. M. Lisk, W. F. Mason-Deese, M. S. Natrajan, H. Plumber and C. E. Zipperer, Department of Environmental Health Science, UGA
- Biological Assessment of Chronic Toxicity in Trail Creek, an Urban Stream Exposed to a Chemical Spill, Athens, Georgia, J.L. Shelton, R.A. Bahn, B. Avant, S. Buettner, J. Floyd, S. Long, A. Martin, R. McKinley, J. Morgan, G. Namulanda, K. Prescott, E. Riley, T. Smith, and A. Yonkofski, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, UGA
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Mark Risse, UGA
Presentation:- Sediment Source Assessments and Establishing Priorities for Abatement, Justin Ellis1, Duncan Hughes2, and Alex Smith2, 1Soque River Watershed Association; 2North Georgia Technical College – Soque River Watershed Partnership
- Sediment Monitoring Using Surrogate Methods, Mark Landers, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- Impacts of Organic Soil Amendments on Runoff and Soil Erosion under Natural Rainfall Conditions, Preliminary Results, M. L. Risse1, X. Zhu2, J. Eason1, and T. Leonard1, 1Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of Georgia; 2Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota Duluth
- Measuring and Modeling Suspended Sediment Yields in Urbanizing Georgia Piedmont Watersheds, J.S. Sholtes, L. Visone, E.A. Lewallen, and L. Hawks, Brown and Caldwell, Inc.
Moderator: Dinku, Endale, USDA-ARS
- A New Hydrologic Routing Model with Applications for Georgia Rivers, Dong Ha Kim, and Aris Georgakakos, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Beyond Correlation: the Search for Causal Relationships Between Flow Percentiles and Watershed Variables, Herbert Ssegane1, E.W. Tollner1, Yusuf Mohamoud2, T.C. Rasmussen3, and John Dowd4, 1Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of Georgia; 2National Exposure Research Laboratory, U.S. EPA; 3Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia; 4Department of Geology, University of Georgia
- Determining Watershed Flow Pathways Using Geochemistry and Timing, R.H. Cary, J.F. Dowd, and N.E. Peters, Department of Geology, University of Georgia
- No-till and Curve Numbers – A Closer Look, Dinku M. Endale, Harry S. Schomberg, Dwight S. Fisher, Michael B. Jenkins, USDA-ARS, Nat. Res. Cons. Center
- A Hydrology Model for Mimicking Pre and Post Development Runoff Volumes, Randel Lemoine, P.E., Fort Benning, DPW Engineering Division
Moderator: Robert Fuller, North Georgia College & State University
Presentations:- Benefits of Long-term Water-quality Monitoring in Georgia, Susan C. Grams, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- A Coastal Water Quality Metadata Database for the Southeast U.S.A., Wade M. Sheldon, Christine Laporte, Travis Douce, and Merryl Alber, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia 3.Advantages and Hazards of Using Microsoft Excel™ to Organize and Display Water Quality Data, Robert C. Fuller, North Georgia College & State University
- A Water Quality Database for Georgia Citizens, Harold L. Harbert1 and Rick Hitchcock2, Georgia Environmental Protection Division; and 2Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia
Moderator: Brian Avant, UGA
Presentations:- Blueberry Crop Growth Analysis Using Climatologic Factors and Multi-temporal Remotely Sensed Imageries, Sudhanshu Panda1, Jose Martin1, and Hoogenboom, Gerrit2, 1Gainesville State College, 2AgWeatherNet, Washington State University, Prosser, Washington
- Seasonal Rainfall Prediction for the Southeast US Using Sea Surface Temperature Information, Chia-Jeng Chen and Aris Georgakakos, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Multi-scale Comparison of Stage IV Nexrad (MPE) and Gauge Precipitation Data for Watershed Modeling, K. Price, S.T. Purucker, and S.R. Kraemer, U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Ecosystems Research Division
- Cotton Crop Rotation Suitability Analysis for Southwest Georgia Using Geospatial Technology, Sudhanshu Panda and John Nesbitt, Gainesville State College
Moderator: Denise Carroll, Georgia Southern University
Panelists:- Denise Carroll, Assistant Professor, Georgia Southern University
- Jamie Childers, Biologist, TetraTech
- Katherine Edmonds, Lecturer, Gainesville State University and Water Trails Assistant, Georgia River Network
- Kyle McKay, Civil Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Julie Montaigne, Georgia Environmental Protection Division
- Bruce Pruitt, Ecologist, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Katie Sheehan, Legal Fellow, River Basin Center, University of Georgia
- Nina Wurzburger, Ecologist, Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia
Moderator: Yi Zhang, GA DNR – EPD
Presentations:- Multi-objective Analysis for ACF Reservoir System Operation, Yi Zhang, GA DNR-EPD
- Engineering-Based New Reservoir Design and Environmental Suitability Analysis with Geospatial Technology, James Fitzgerald and Sudhanshu Panda, Institute of Environmental Spatial Analysis, Gainesville State College
- A Simulation Model for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River System, Jeffrey Regan, GA EPD – Watershed Protection Branch
- Ramp down Rate in the Revised Interim Operation Plan: Is Mother Nature Too Harsh on the Endangered Mussels in the Apalachicola River?, Wei Zeng and Yi Zhang, Basin Analysis Program, GA DNR, EPD
Moderator: Luke Li, UGA
Presentation:- Life Cycle Comparison of Two Ro Concentrate Reduction Technologies, Jing Wan, Nathan Hester, Ke Li, David Gattie, John Schramski, Jenna Jambeck, Faculty of Engineering, University of Georgia
- The Use of Membrane Filtration as an Alternative Pre-treatment Method for Poultry Processing Wastewater, Ebenezer Abboah-afari and Brian H. Kiepper, Department of Bio and Ag Engineering, University of Georgia
- Impact of Poultry Processing By-Products on Wastewater Generation, Treatment, and Discharges, Husain S. Plumber and Brian H. Kiepper, Department of Poultry Science, University of Georgia
Moderator: Rebecca Shelton, City of Atlanta – Watershed Management
- American Society of Civil Engineers 2009 Assessment of Georgia’s Infrastructure, Rebecca Shelton1 and Joann Macrina2, 1Gwinnett County Water Resources; 2Dekalb County Watershed Management
- Good Money after Bad Data: the Death of “Unaccounted for Water”, William J. Jernigan and M. Steve Cavanaugh Jr., Cavanaugh & Associates
- Decentralized Wastewater Treatment in Georgia: Benefits and Management Needs, Katherine A. Sheehan, River Basin Center, Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia
- City of Eden Prairie, MN Pond Inventory and Maintenance Assessment, Todd Shoemaker, Ed Matthiesen, and Chris Meehan, Wenck Associates, Inc.
Moderator: Alice Keyes, GA EPD
Presentations:- Water Loss Control – Adapting to a New Way of Business, Alice Miller Keyes and Lebone Moeti, Watershed Protection Branch, GA EPD
- Water Efficiency and Conservation: a Tool to Address and Prepare for Climate Change in Georgia, April Rose Ingle, GARIVERS.ORG
- Neighborhood Water Watch: Utilizing Volunteers to Monitor Local Waterways Private Eyes on Public Water, Jason Ulseth and Michael Meyer, Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper
- Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority (LAPA) Think Water First Initiative, Kimberly Shorter, AECOM Water
Moderator: Nicola Sochacka, UGA
Presentations:- Racking up the Savings: Planning and Evaluating Cost-beneficial Water Conservation Programs, Alice Miller Keyes, GA DNR – EPD
- My Group Is Ready for Water Conservation. Now What?, Katherine Atteberry1, Maeneen Klein2 Bill Maddaus3, and Michelle Maddaus3, 1Jacobs Engineering Group; 2Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities/ Catawba-Wateree Water Management Group; 3Maddaus Water Management
- Geospatial Analysis of Agricultural Water-meter Data In South Georgia, Lynn J. Torak and Jamie A. Painter, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- Understanding Rapid and Opportunistic Socio-technical Change in the Context of Urban Water Management, Nicki Sochacka1, Lesley Jolly2 and Lydia Kavanagh3, 1Faculty of Engineering, University of Georgia 2Strategic Partnerships, Brisbane, Australia; 3Faculty of Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia
- Residential Water Demand: A Panel Cointegration Approach and Application to Tunisia, Younes Ben Zaied and Matoussi Mohamed Salah, University of Elmanar Tunis – Quantitative Methods, Tunis, Tunisia
Moderator: David Ashley, Jacobs JJG
Presentations:- The Governor’s Water Task Force and the Georgia Water Stewardship Act, David M. Ashley1 and Katie Kirkpatrick2, 1Jacobs Engineering Group; 2Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
- How Do Stakeholders Get a Voice…, Wilton Rooks,
- Sustainable Solutions for Water Resources, James Sipes, AECOM – Design & Planning, Atlanta Ga
- A Real Test for the Georgia Drought Management Plan – Drought Indicators at Work and Georgia’s Response to the 2006-2008 Drought, Inchul Kim and Wei Zeng, GA DNR, EPD
Moderator: Frank Henning, R4 EPA-Land Grant Universities Liaison-UGA
Presentations:- Nature, Socioeconomics and Flood Mortality, Susana Ferreira, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Georgia
- A Survey of Georgia Citizens on Their Attitudes and Beliefs Associated with Water, Lawrence (Mark) Risse, University of Georgia, Agricultural Engineering
- Linking Onsite and Distance Education Efforts to Improve Regional Watershed Education Efforts, Frank Henning1, Mark Risse2, Eve Brantley3 and Jon Calabria4, 1R4 EPA-Land Grant Universities Liaison, UGA – Horticulture; 2UGA – Faculty of Engineering; 3Auburn – Agronomy and Soil Science; 4Auburn – Agronomy and Soil Science
- Bagmati River Festival: Conservation of Degrading River, Achyut Dahal, Mausam Khanal, and Megh Ale, Thamel, Kathmandu, Kathmandu, Nepal
Moderator: Jon Calabria, UGA
Presentation:- Checklist and Certification for Sustainable Landscapes in Georgia, Sheryl Wells1, Alice Miller-Keyes2, Elizabeth Little3, Karol Kelly4, and Keith Fielder5, 1Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of Georgia; 2Environmental Protection Division; 3Department of Pathology, University of Georgia; 4Bibb County Cooperative Extension; 5Putnam County Cooperative Extension
- Irrigation Water Conservation Efforts at the UGA C.M. Stripling Irrigation Research Park, Calvin Perry and Radford Yager, University of Georgia, Stripling Irrigation Research Park
- UGA’s Green Infrastructure Plan: Student Envisioned Plans to Improve Ecosystem Services on Campus, J. Calabria1, R. A. Vick1, and P. W. Cassity2, 1College of Environment & Design, University of Georgia; 2 College of Environment & Design, University of Georgia
- Mitigating Urban Wetland Impacts on Downstream Water Resources, D.F. Spector, J.M. Bischoff and E.A. Matthiesen, Wenck Associates, Inc.
Moderator: David Ashley, Jacobs JJG
Presentations:- The Developing Water Crisis in Southeast Georgia & Northeast Florida and How to Avert It, Gregg Jones, Brandon Ashby, and R. Jeffery Davis, Cardno-Entrix
- South Atlantic Regional Research Plan: Development and Application of Coastal Regional Priorities, Christine Laporte and Merryl Alber, Department Of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia
- Achieving Sustainable Water Supply Through Integrated Regional Water Supply Planning, a Case Study: Northeast Florida Water Supply Planning Area, Terry A. Clark, Cardno Entrix
- A Bursting Bubble: What the Recent Problems in the Georgia Biofuel Industry Mean for Water Resource Research and Planning, Jason Evans1 and Dina Abdulhadi2, 1Carl Vinson Institute of Government, Environmental Policy Program; 2Odum School of Ecology
- Coupling Tritium Release Data with Remotely Sensed Precipitation Data to Assess Model Uncertainties, Brian Avant1, Amber Ignatius2, Todd Rasmussen1, Andrew Grundstein2, J. Marshall Shepherd2,and Thomas Mote2, University of Georgia, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Geography, Athens, Georgia
- Coastal Georgia OSDS: Geo-location, Inspection & Maintenance Project, Ray Bodrey, and Keith Gates, University of Georgia Marine Extension Service, Brunswick, Georgia
- Knife Aeration to Reduce Concentrations of Sex Hormones in Surface Runoff from Pastures Fertilized with Broiler Litter, Miguel Cabrera1, Sayed Hassan1, John Rema1, and Vaughn Calvert II2, 1Crop & Soil Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia; 2Central Research and Education Center, Eatonton, Georgia
- The Persistence of Riverbed Bacterial Stores and Their Disruption by Human Recreation, Ryan W. Orear, and Nancy Eufemia Dalman, North Georgia College & State University, Dahlonega, Georgia
- Studied the Geomorphology, Soil and Water Resources in South Egypt Using Geoinformation Technology, Abdalla Fayed, National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS), Cairo, Egypt
- Suburban Forest Water Usages in Atlanta: Studying Sap Flow in Selected Tree Species, Mario A. Giraldo, Wayne VanHorne, and Phillip Oliver, Department of Geography and Anthropology, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia
- Hydrologic Factors Affecting Sinkhole Development in a Well Field in the Karst Dougherty Plain, Southwest of Albany, Georgia, Debbie Warner Gordon, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- Hydrogeology, Hydraulic Properties, and Water Quality of the Surficial Aquifer: a Potential Alternative Water Source at Fort Stewart, Liberty County, Georgia, Michael D. Hamrick, and Gerard J. Gonthier, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- A Comparison of Escherichia Coli Levels in the Chattahoochee River Between Drought and Non-drought Years, Thomas Jackson1, Amanda Smith1, George McMullan1, Ryan Orear1, Robert Fuller2, and Nancy Eufemia Dalman1, 1Biology Department, 2Physics Department, North Georgia College and State University, Dahlonega, Georgia
- Optimization of Reservoir Operation by Rule Curve Adjustment, Feng Jiang, Hydrology Unit, Georgia Environmental Protection Division, Atlanta, Georgia
- A Hydro-economic Model for Integrated Water Resources Assessment, Frederic Kimaite, and Aris Georgakakos, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
- Development of a Comprehensive Online Climate Resource for Southeastern Water Managers, Pamela Knox1, David Stooksbury, Ryan Boyles2, and Puneet Srivastava3, 1University of Georgia, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Driftmier Engineering Center; 2North Carolina State University, State Climate Office; 3Auburn University, Biosystems Engineering
- Hydrologic Modeling of the Apalachicola–Chattahoochee–flint River Basin Using the U.S. Geological Survey Precipitation Runoff Modeling System, Jacob H. LaFontaine1, Lauren E. Hay,2 Roland Viger2, and Steven L. Markstrom2, 1U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center, 2U.S. Geological Survey National Research Program, Lakewood, Colorado
- Perfluorinated Chemicals in Surface Waters and Sediments from the Conasauga, Oostanaula, and Coosa Rivers and Their Bioaccumulation in the Aquatic Oligochaete, Lumbriculus Variegatus, Peter Lasier1, John Washington2, Sayed Hassan3, and Thomas Jenkins4, 1USGS, Warnell School of Forestry, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia; 2US Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, Georgia; 3University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia; 4US Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, Georgia
- Streamwater Dissolved Organic Carbon and Total Dissolved Nitrogen: Effects of Timber Harvest in the Georgia Piedmont, Daniel Markewitz, C. Rhett Jackson, Noah Fraser, and David Radcliffe, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
- Correlating Sub-basin Sediment Fingerprints with Land Use in the Southern Piedmont, Robert Mckinley1, David Radcliffe1, and Rajith Mukundan2, 1University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia; 2Institute for Sustainable Cities, City University of New York, New York
- Circulation and Reaction Hotspots in an Intertidal Salt Marsh: a Modeling Study, Mathilde Hagens1, and Christof Meile2, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands; 2Department of Marine Sciences, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
- Diversity and Biotic Integrity of Stream Fish Communities in the Chestatee River Headwaters, Tom Nelson, Michael Damron, Chelsea Young, and Wade Holcomb, Biology Dept North Georgia College and State University, Dahlonega, Georgia
- Saline Aquifers in Coastal Georgia: Assessment Using Borehole Geophysical Logs at the Fort Pulaski Core Site, Chatham County, Georgia, Katrina Ostrowicki, and Lester J. Williams, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center
- Hydrogeologic Assessment of Diffuse Flow in a Carbonate Aquifer – Limestone Aggregate Quarry Site, Northwest Georgia, Nils Thompson1, and Adria Reimer2, Leggette, 2Brashears & Graham, Inc., Kennesaw, Georgia
- Distribution, potential spread, and ecological impacts of the invasive apple snail, Pomacea insularum, in Georgia, Shelley Robertson, S. Wilde, R. Haynie, and J. Herrin, Warnell School of Forestry, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
- Trends in instream total nitrogen and total phosphorus upstream and downstream of wastewater facilities in Georgia Level III Ecoregions, 1967 – 2010, Glen Behrend, Georgia Environmental Protection Division, South Georgia Monitoring Unit
- Site Investigation of Southern Historic Cattle Dip Vats, Robert J. McKinnon1, Teresa A. Fischer1, Michael N. Lodato1, John F. Dowd2, 1Geosyntec Consultants; 2University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia