2014 State Water Resources Research Program (104b)

The FY 2014 state funding (104B) provided to the Georgia Water Resources Institute from the United States Geological Survey through the National Institutes for Water Resources will be used to support critical research needs, graduate education, and information dissemination in the State of Georgia.

The FY 2014 state funding (104B) provided to the Georgia Water Resources Institute from the United States Geological Survey through the National Institutes for Water Resources will be used to support critical research needs, graduate education, and information dissemination in the State of Georgia. Four sub‐grants will support the following projects:

  1. Validation of Oysters as Biomonitors of Pharmaceutical Pollution in Georgia; M. Black; University of Georgia.
  2. The effect of salt marsh hydrodynamics on estuarine flow; Improvement and Uncertainty Assessment; K. Haas and D. Webster; Georgia Institute of Technology.
  3. Implications of eutrophication and climate change in promoting toxic cyanobacterial blooms inagricultural ponds across Georgia; S. Wilde and D. Mishra; University of Georgia.
  4. Baseline Conservation Analysis for Agricultural Irrigation in Priority Watersheds of the Lower Flint River Basin; M. Masters; Albany State University.

2013 State Water Resources Research Program (104b)

The FY 2013 state funding (104B) provided to the Georgia Water Resources Institute from the United States Geological Survey through the National Institutes for Water Resources was used to support critical research needs, graduate education, and information dissemination in the State of Georgia.

The FY 2013 state funding (104B) provided to the Georgia Water Resources Institute from the United States Geological Survey through the National Institutes for Water Resources was used to support critical research needs, graduate education, and information dissemination in the State of Georgia. The two sub‐grants were awarded to support the following projects:

  1. Tracking the impact of on‐site wastewater treatment systems on stream water quality in the Metro‐Atlanta area; M. Hubteselassie and D. Radcliffe Co‐PIs; University of Georgia. 
  2. Unimpaired Flows for the ACF River Basin; Improvement and Uncertainty Assessment; M. Kistenmacher and A. Georgakakos Co‐PIs; Georgia Institute of Technology.

Additionally, GWRI co-sponsored the Georgia Water Resources Conference held in April 2013.