FY 2024 National Water Resource Research Grant Proposal Request (104g National Research Program)

FY 2024 National Water Resource Research Grant Proposal Request

The Georgia Water Resources Institute (GWRI) invites the submission of research proposals for the 104g National Water Resources Research Grants program, which aims to address critical water resources issues at regional and national scales.

Dear Colleagues, 

Greetings. The Georgia Water Resources Institute (GWRI) is pleased to invite research proposals for the 104g National Water Resources Research Grants program, which aims to address critical water resources issues at regional and national scales.  

For FY 2024, the program focuses on three research areas:

  1. National scale evaluation of water budget and socioeconomics. 
  2. Assessment and management of invasive aquatic species impacts in the upper Mississippi River basin.
  3. Assessment and management of per-and polyflouroalkyl substances (PFAS).    

The RFP announcement for each research area is attached, together with relevant supplemental information (Attachments 1 & 2). The total funding levels are anticipated to be $1.86, $1.392, and $2.79 million, respectively. Individual projects can be proposed for up to three years and request up to $310,000 (total budget) for the first and third research areas and up to $348,000 for the second area.

The 104g research program carries a mandatory cost-sharing requirement to match each federal dollar with no less than one dollar from non-federal sources.  Collaboration with USGS scientists is strongly encouraged. Full time faculty at any Georgia university are eligible to apply for an award through GWRI. 

Please email proposals (including matching commitment letters, work schedules, detailed budgets, budget justifications, and budget summaries) to the GWRI Director (Aris Georgakakos; ageorgak@ce.gatech.edu) with copy to the GWRI Assistant Director for Research (Husayn El Sharif; helsharif@gatech.edu) by 5:00 pm EST, May 23, 2024.  GWRI will review the individual submissions for completeness and adherence to the required format, and will submit a complete application package to USGS through grants.gov by May 30, 2024.  All submitted proposals will undergo national reviews, and awards will be announced in the fall 2024, with a tentative initiation date of December 16, 2024.       

With best regards,

Aris P. Georgakakos
Director, Georgia Water Resources Institute
Turnipseed Family Professor, CEE/Georgia Tech

104g Documentation:

Budget templates and supporting materials for 104g proposals are available to download here.

GWRI FY24 RFP for 104g National Research Program.pdf

Foa_Content_of_G24AS00536 104gGeneral.pdf

Foa_Content_of_G24AS00534 104gInvasiveSpecies.pdf

Foa_Content_of_G24AS00535 104gPFAS.pdf

Attachment 1 – WRRA Special Terms and Conditions April 2024 with Geo 104g

Attachment 2 – Focus Categories 104g