FY 2024 Water Resource Research Grant Proposal Request (104b State Research Program)

FY 2024 Water Resource Research Grant Proposal Request

The Georgia Water Resources Institute (GWRI) invites the submission of research proposals for the water resources research grant opportunity.

Dear Colleagues, 

Greetings. The Georgia Water Resources Institute (GWRI) invites the submission of research proposals for the water resources research grant opportunity outlined below.  

104b State Research Program

GWRI expects to provide federal funding of up to $21,000 for each of five research projects to be carried out from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025.  In addition, GWRI expects to support the planning of the biennial Georgia Water Resources Conference in the amount of $12,500. The 104b grant program carries a mandatory cost-sharing requirement to match each federal dollar with no less than one dollar from non-federal sources. Full time faculty at any Georgia university are eligible to serve as PIs and submit research proposals. The proposals will be reviewed and ranked based on (a) technical merit and (b) research relevance for Georgia. The deadline for proposal submission is 5:00 pm EST, May 3, 2024.

The FY 2024 RFP for this program has not yet been published by USGS but is expected to be similar to the FY 2023 RFP which is attached along with templates for the preparation of the project budget and associated justification. Please email proposals (in pdf form) and budget spreadsheets to the GWRI Director (Aris Georgakakos; ageorgak@ce.gatech.edu) with copy to the GWRI Assistant Director for Research (Husayn El Sharif; helsharif@gatech.edu). Proposal PIs will be notified of the review process outcomes in early May 2024. 

For questions on the 104b proposal process, please email the GWRI Asst. Director helsharif@gatech.edu). 

With best regards,

Aris P. Georgakakos

Director, Georgia Water Resources Institute

Turnipseed Family Professor, CEE, Georgia Tech

Email: ageorgak@ce.gatech.edu

104g Documentation:

Budget templates and supporting materials for 104b proposals are available to download here.

Plastic Pollution

Every day, the equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the world’s oceans, rivers, and lakes. Plastic pollution is a global problem. Every year 19-23 million tonnes of plastic waste leaks into aquatic ecosystems, polluting lakes, rivers and seas.