Huaming Yao

Huaming Yao

Associate Director for Research
School of CEE; GWRI/Georgia Tech
Mason Building Room 2201C 790 Atlantic Drive Atlanta, GA 30332


Decision support systems for river basin management; Hydrological Modeling; Hydropower scheduling under competitive pricing environment; Database design for water resource systems



Ph.D.,  Georgia Institute of Technology, Civil Eng., 1994

M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, Civil Eng., 1993

M.S., Huazhong Uni. of Sci. and Tech., Electrical Eng., 1986

B.S., Huazhong Uni. of Sci. and Tech, Electrical Eng., 1983

Professional Appointments:

Associate Director, Georgia Water Resources Institute, 2000 – present.

Senior Research Engineer, Civil and Environmental Eng. (CEE), Georgia Tech, 2000–

Research Engineer II, Civil and Environmental Eng. (CEE), Georgia Tech, 1996–1999

Post Doctoral Fellow, Civil and Environmental Eng. (CEE), Georgia Tech, 1995

Graduate Research Assistant, Civil and Environmental Eng. (CEE), Georgia Tech, 1990-1994

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical Power Eng., HUST, 1986 – 1990.     

Selected Publications:

Georgakakos, A.P, Yao, H., Kistenmacher, M., Georgakakos, K.P., Graham, N.H., Cheng, F.-Y., Spencer, C., Shamir, E., “Value of Adaptive Water Resources Management in Northern California under Climatic Variability and Change: Reservoir Management,” J. Hydrology, in review, 2010.

Georgakakos, K.P., Graham, N.H., Cheng, F.-Y., Spencer, C., Shamir, E., Georgakakos, A.P, Yao, H., and Kistenmacher, M., “Value of Adaptive Water Resources Management in Northern California under Climatic Variability and Change: Dynamic Hydroclimatology,” J. Hydrology, in review, 2010.

Koutsoyiannis, D., H. Yao, and A. Georgakakos, “Multiyear Behavior and Monthly Simulation and Forecasting of the Nile River,” J. of Hydrological Sciences, 53(1) February 2008.

Georgakakos, K.P., Graham, N.H., Carpenter, T.M., Georgakakos, A.P., and H. Yao, “Integrating Climate-Hydrology Forecasts and Multi-Objective Reservoir Management for Northern California.” EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 86, No. 12, pages 122-127, March 2005.

Georgakakos, A., and H. Yao, “Implications of Climate Variability and Change for Water Resources Management,” The Climate Report, 3(4), 9-13, 2002.

Yao, H, and A. Georgakakos, “Assessment of Folsom Lake Response to Historical and Potential Future Climate Scenarios,” Journal of Hydrology. 249, 176-196, 2001.

Georgakakos, A., and H. Yao, “Climate Change Impacts on Southeastern US Basins” USGS Open File Report #00-334, July 2000.  The report appears at the World Wide Web site until the above-mentioned article is published in Water Resources Research.

Georgakakos, A. P., and H. Yao, “Evaluation of Water Use Scenarios for the Nile Basin,” World Bank, ICCON Series Monographs, October 1999, 116p.

Georgakakos, A. P., H. Yao, M.G. Mullusky, and K. P. Georgakakos. 1998. “Impacts of Climate Variability on the Operational Forecast and Management of the Des Moines River  Basin.”Water Resources Research. 34(4), 799-821.

Georgakakos, A. P., M. Mullusky, H. Yao, and B. Attia, “El Niño/Southern Oscillation:  Implications for Water Management in the Nile Basin,” Proceedings of the 6th Nile 2002 Conference, Kigali, Rwanda, 22p, February 23-27, 1998.

Georgakakos, A. P., H. Yao, and Y. Yu, “A Control Model for Hydroelectric Energy Value Optimization,” ASCE J. for Wat. Res. Plan. and Mgt, 123(1), 30-38, 1997.   

Georgakakos, A. P., H. Yao, and Y. Yu, “Control Models for Hydroelectric Energy Optimization,” Water Resources Research, 33(10), 2367-2379, 1997.  

Georgakakos, A. P., Yao, H., and Y. Yu, “A Control Model for Dependable Hydropower Capacity Optimization,” Water  Resources Research, 33(10), 2349-2365, 1997.     

Yao, H., and A. P. Georgakakos, “New Control Concepts for Uncertain Water Resources Systems: 2, Reservoir Management,” Water Resources Research, 29(6), 1517-1526, 1993.

Control Concepts for Uncertain Water Resources Systems: 1, Theory,” Water  Resources Research, 29(6), 1505-1516, 1993. 

Presentations to Conferences and Symposia:

Georgakakos, A., F. Zhang, H. Yao, and F. Kimaite, “Water Management in an Era of Climatic and Demand Change,” Key Note Address, Hydrology Conference 2010, San Diego, CA, USA, 11-13 October 2010.

Georgakakos, A., and H. Yao, “ACF River Basin Assessments: Balancing Storage and Environmental Flows,” Invited presentations to the Middle Chattahoochee Water Council, Atlanta Regional Commission/Atlanta Metro Planning District, ACF Stakeholders, City of Lagrange, and Georgia EPD, February to October 2010 (Atlanta, Franklin/GA, Columbus/GA, and Lagrange/GA).  

Georgakakos, A., H. Yao, M. Kistenmacher, K. Georgakakos, N. Graham, F-Y Chen, C. Spencer, Invited presentation, “Integrated Decision Support: Reducing Water Resources Vulnerability to Climate Change through Adaptive Management,” Symposium on Climate Change—the Future is Now, sponsored and organized by the California Energy Commission, Sacramento, CA, September 8 – 10, 2009.

Georgakakos, A., F. Zhang, and H. Yao, “ACF River Basin: Drought Cycles and Management Challenges Under Demand and Climate Change,” Georgia Water Resources Conference, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia April 28, 2009.

Kistenmacher, M., H. Yao, and A. Georgakakos, “A Planning Tool for River Basin Planning,” Georgia Water Resources Conference, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia April 27, 2009.

Yao, H., A. Georgakakos, X. Ge, and Y. Wang, “Hydropower Planning and Management Decision Support System for the Three Gorges Project: Software Features and Capabilities,” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Hydropower Technology and Key Equipment, Beijing, China, October 27 – 31, 2006, pg. 1002-1008.

Georgakakos, K.P., N.E. Graham, A.P. Georgakakos, and H. Yao, “Demonstrating Integrated Forecast and Reservoir Management (INFORM) for northern California in an operational environment,” Proceedings of Symposium HS2004 at IUGG2007, Perugia, July 2007, IAHS Publ. 313, 2007, pg. 439-444.

Georgakakos, A., H. Yao, X. Ge, and Y. Wang, “Decision Support Systems for Hydropower Planning and Management with an Application to the Three Gorges Dam,” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Hydropower Technology and Key Equipment, Beijing, China, October 27 – 31, 2006, pg. 137-145.

Software Packages

Aris Georgakakos and Huaming Yao, “INFORM DSS 3.0”, GWRI, Atlanta, August 2008

Aris Georgakakos and Huaming Yao, “Mara DSS 2.0”, Mara River Basin TIWRMD Project, Nile Basin Initiative (NELSAP), August 2008

Aris Georgakakos and Huaming Yao, “SMM DSS 2.0”, SMM River Basin TIWRMD Project, Nile Basin Initiative (NELSAP), Final Technical Report and User Manual, July 2008

Aris Georgakakos and Huaming Yao, “LV DST”, Uganda Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Atlanta, March 2008

Aris Georgakakos and Huaming Yao, “ZHJDSS 2.0”, Zhejiang Water Resources Bureau, China, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 2008

Aris Georgakakos and Huaming Yao, “HHDSS”,  Huaihe River Authority, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 2007

Aris Georgakakos and Huaming Yao, “DJKDSS”, Danjiangkou Dispatching Center, Danjiangkou Authority, Atlanta, 2007

Aris Georgakakos and Huaming Yao, “TGPDSS”, Three Gorges Project Decision Support System, Yangtze Power Corp., Atlanta, 2006

Aris Georgakakos and Huaming Yao, Decision Support System for the Management of the High Aswan Dam (HAD DSS), Developed for the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Arab Republic of Egypt, Atlanta, March 2005

Yao and Aris Georgakakos, Nile Decision Support Tool (Nile DST), Developed in cooperation with the Nile Basin Nations under the auspices of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Georgia Water Resources Institute, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, November 2003

Sponsored Project Experience:

“CLIMATE CHANGE ASSESSMENTS FOR GEORGIA BASINS,” sponsored by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (Georgia EPD) (2010-2012). Scope:  This project aims to carry out comprehensive climate change assessments for all Georgia river basins.    

 “INFORM: Integrated Forecasting and Reservoir Management, Phase II”, sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Global Programs (NOAA OGP) and the California Energy Commission (CEC) (2009-20012).  This project is carried out jointly with the Hydrologic Research Center in San Diego, California. Scope:  The purpose of INFORM phase II is to operationalize the forecast-management system for use by the California-Nevada River Forecast Center, California Department of Water Resources, US Bureau of Reclamation, and US Army Corps of Engineers.

 “Technical Assistance for Water Resources Planning In Georgia,” sponsored by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (Georgia EPD) (2006-2009). Scope:  This project aims to develop a mathematical tool to support Georgia’s water resources planning process.     

“Information and Planning Tools for the Zhejiang River Basin,” Co-Principal Investigator, sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources (2006-2008). Scope:  Development and transfer of modern information and planning tools for the Zhejiang River Basin in south east China.

 “Water Resources Assessment, Planning, and Management in the Southeast US Using Decision Support Systems Driven by Climate-Based Hydrologic Forecasts,”  sponsored by the NOAA OGP Climate Prediction Program for the Americas (CPPA), NASA, NWS Southeast River Forecast Center, and the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (2006-2008). Scope:  Development and implementation of an integrated forecast-decision system for the Southeast US. Establishment of a participatory decision process for water resources management.  Joint project with Princeton University, the Southeast River Forecast Center, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division, and the US Geological Survey. 

 “Decision Support System for the Huaihe River Basin,” Co-Principal Investigator, sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources (2005-2007). Scope:  Development and transfer of modern DSS tools for the Huaihe River Basin in central China. This project is implemented as a result of a recent decision by the Chinese Government to identify the Georgia Tech Decision Support System for hydro power management as a priority import technology.

“Three Gorges Project Decision Support System (TGPDSS),” sponsored by the Yangtze Power Corp., 2007

“ACF-ACT River Basin Assessments,” sponsored by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (Georgia EPD) (2005-2006). Scope:  This project aims to support Georgia EPD in the operational planning and management of major Georgia river basins.  It includes the development of decision support systems, the performance of comprehensive assessments, and the continued training of agency personnel.     

 “INFORM: Integrated Forecasting and Reservoir Management,”sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Global Programs (NOAA OGP), the California Energy Commission (CEC), andCalFed (2003-2006).  This project is carried out jointly with the Hydrologic Research Center in San Diego, California.  Scope:  INFORM aimed to develop and demonstrate the value of integrated climate-hydrologic-water resources modeling and information systems for river basin management. The project includes the Trinity River, Sacramento River, American River, Feather River, San Joaquin River, and the Bay Delta. 

“A Decision Support Tool for the Nile Basin”, sponsored by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy (2000-2003). Scope:  This project aimed to develop and transfer modern river basin management technologies to the Nile Basin Countries. The project produced the Nile Decision Support Tool (Nile DST) which include (a) comprehensive data bases with hydro meteorological data from conventional and remote sensors, soil data, water use data, hydraulic facility data, socioeconomic data (agricultural yield, population density, etc.)  and (b) several interlinked models for climate and weather forecasting, hydrologic watershed, river and reservoir regulation, hydropower scheduling, agricultural planning, environmental and ecological assessment, and economic valuation.

“Impacts of Biological Integrity Requirements on the Management of the Apalachicola- Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River Basin,” sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV, 9/1/2000 – 8/31/2001. Scope:  This project aims to incorporate and assess the impact of biological integrity requirements within the ACF decision support system.  The assessment investigations will quantify the tradeoffs associated with ecological versus other basin water uses.

“A Decision Support System for the Western Sterea Hellas Reservoir System,” sponsored by the Greek Ministry of Water Works and the Environment. Scope:  The purpose of this project was to develop a decision support system for Western Greece and assess the impacts of a proposed inter-basin transfer.   The system is also being used by the Public Power Company to plan the operation of the hydropower system, 6/1/1997 – 12/31/1998.

“Demand and Climate Change Impacts for the Nile Basin,” sponsored by the US State Department. Scope: The project aimed at assessing the implications of climate and demand scenarios for the Nile Basin countries, 1/1/1999 – 3/31/2000.

“Integrative Water Resources Assessment and Management,” joint project with the Hydrologic Research Center (San Diego, CA) and TVA, sponsored by NOAA/NASA. Scope:  Evaluation of integrated decision systems (including climate, meteorologic, hydrologic, and decision models with remote and on-site sensors) in real-time river basin management, 8/1/1999 – 7/31/2001.