Assistant Director, Georgia Water Resources Institute
School of CEE; GWRI/Georgia Tech
Planning and Management of Water Resources Systems
Dr. Martin Kistenmacher was a Water Resources Engineer with over ten years of experience. He helds a Research Engineer position at the Georgia Institute of Technology and also served as Assistant Director of the Georgia Water Resources Institute. Martin had a strong background in climate/hydrologic/river basin modeling and his skills set included the use of existing models as well as the development of new customized models. Martin leveraged his knowledge to support integrated water resources management projects in California, the southeastern United States, and East Africa.
Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, Civil Eng., 2012
M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, Civil Eng., 2005
B.S., Cornell University, Civil Eng., 2003
Fuertes Medal, Cornell University, 2003
Chi Epsilon, Cornell University Chapter.
Selected Publications/Presentations
Georgakakos, A.P, Yao, H., Kistenmacher, M., Georgakakos, K.P., Graham, N.H., Cheng, F.-Y., Spencer, C., Shamir, E., “Value of Adaptive Water Resources Management in Northern California under Climatic Variability and Change: Reservoir Management,” J. Hydrology, Vol. 412-413: p. 34- 46. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.04.038. January 2012.
Georgakakos, K.P., Graham, N.H., Cheng, F.-Y., Spencer, C., Shamir, E., Georgakakos, A.P, Yao, H., and Kistenmacher, M., “Value of Adaptive Water Resources Management in Northern California under Climatic Variability and Change: Dynamic Hydroclimatology,” J. Hydrology, Vol. 412-412: p.47-65. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.04.032. 2011.
Georgakakos, A.P., and M. Kistenmacher (2012): Unimpaired Flow Assessment for the Apalachicola Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin. Technical Report, Georgia Water Resources Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, 211p.
M. Kistenmacher and A. Georgakakos, “Forecast Ensemble Reliability Assessment and Uncertainty Management for Reservoir Systems”. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2011, San Francisco, California.
M. Kistenmacher and A. Georgakakos. “Environmental Flow and Ecological Impacts of Alternative Regulation Scenarios for the ACF River Basin”. 2011 Georgia Water Resources Conference, April 2011, Athens, Georgia.
M. Kistenmacher, H. Yao and A. Georgakakos. “A Water Resources Planning Tool for Georgia”. 2009 Georgia Water Resources Conference, April 2009, Athens, Georgia.
Kimaite, F., A. Tidwell, C. Braneon, M. Kistenmacher, H. Yao, and A. Georgakakos. “Decision Support Tools for River Basin Planning and Management”. 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference, March 2007 Athens, Georgia.