Reservoir Shoreline Erosion

This report discusses the techniques for data collection in Hartwell Lake and presents the analyzed data. Three types of data were collected in Hartwell Lake between February 10th and February 13th, 2003: bathymetry, velocity and shoreline position data. Depth data were collected using a dual frequency depth measuring system.

Principal Investigator: Paul Work (GTREP – Savannah)

Sponsor: GWRI
Start Date: 2002-03-01; Completion Date: 2003-02-28;
Keywords: Sediment, Non Point Pollution, Surface Water


This report discusses the techniques for data collection in Hartwell Lake and presents the analyzed data. Three types of data were collected in Hartwell Lake between February 10th and February 13th, 2003: bathymetry, velocity and shoreline position data. Depth data were collected using a dual frequency depth measuring system. Velocity data were measured using a 1200 kHz Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), and shoreline data were provided by a differential global positioning system (GPS). During the bathymetric surveys and velocity measurements a handheld GPS was also integrated with the devices for navigation.

Comparison of bathymetric surveys to previous surveys provided by USACE indicated approximately 2  0.27 meters of deposition over 40 years within the thalweg.

The hydrodynamics of the lake were modeled using a numerical model previously. In this study, surface velocities are measured in the main pool of the lake to validate results of the numerical model. Strong winds (more than 4 times the historical average) from the southwest were observed during the measurement period. Maximum measured surface velocities at several transects were ~50 cm/s and average velocities were ~25 cm/s.